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ELC/School Meals and Menus

Free school meals are to be extended to all primary pupils. The expansion of this has been delayed so at the moment, Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils will still pay for a lunch via ParentPay. The new updated lunch menu will start on Monday 26th August.

The price of a school meal is as follows:

Pupils in Primary 1- Primary 5 will continue to receive a free lunch.

Primary 6 and 7 will be charged £2.17.

Milk is charged at 30p.

If your child is in Primary 6 & 7 they may be entitled to a Free School Meal.

The menu from Monday 26th August is Primary Menu 2024-25 and will start again at Week 1.


ELC (Nursery) meals are free of charge and will also change to the new menu on Monday 26th August and start again at Week 1. The menu is Nursery (ELC) Lunch Menu 2024-25

Reporting Pupil Absence

If your child is unable to attend school for any reason you should let us know by 9:30am, calling 01555 662806 and choosing Option 1. Again, please keep us informed of any changes to your contact details. A text will be sent out if a child is absent from school to the main contact if the school does not know the reason for the absence. When the parent/carer receives the text, they should contact the school by phone. If no phone call is received, the school will send a letter to the parent/ carer asking them to get in touch. In certain circumstances, the school may seek advice from other agencies.

As soon as your child's absence drops below 90%, they will be placed on the school's Attendance Monitoring System and you will be contacted directly through a letter/phone call from Mrs Crook.

Please note that these procedures are part of South Lanarkshire Council’s Policy for Managing Pupil Absence.

School Communication

Download our app – ‘School App for Parents’.  We send out important information via the app messaging service. Please allow push notifications to receive messages on your lock screen. Remember, this is the only way to get up-to-date information from the school, including future newsletters. In the Dates/Diary section you will find the Menu choices (see below for further information).

If you have not already done so, please follow us by searching for LanarkPrimarySchool. This provides a great way of seeing all that’s happening here at our fantastic school and ELC!


Parentsportal.scot is a digital service to help replace the traditional ‘school bag run’ by providing direct communication to parents and carers through a growing suite of online services.

Through parentsportal.scot parents and carers will be able to grant permissions for school trips, view school lunch menus, view attendance, complete the annual data check, book parents evening and link directly to ParentPay to make payment for school meals, to name but a few.

Many thanks to those parents who have already linked with us through Parentsportal.   If you are having any issues please contact the school office via email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where we will try to help you.

Please be patient, we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

A Warm Welcome

Welcome back to all staff, parents and pupils as we begin our new session here at Lanark Primary School and Early Learning and Childcare. The children have already returned full of enthusiasm and are already following our routines very well- we are so proud of them all!

A special warm welcome to our new ELC and P1 learners who are starting with us and to all pupils who have joined us throughout classes P2-7.

Now of course, it is only natural that some children may be a little anxious and require some help when settling into life at school and the ELC. Please contact us if you have any concerns about your child at this time or if there is anything we can do to help.

There will be opportunities for parents/carers to visit the school over the school year but In the meantime, you can find the general tour here:

Lanark Primary School- General Tour

Our Vision & Aims

Our Vision:

At Lanark Primary School and ELC, learning is at the heart of all we do. We strive to provide rich learning experiences that build confidence and self-belief. We foster a ‘can do’ attitude which enables everyone to reach their full potential.

We work in strong partnership with our parents and the wider community to ensure that all feel safe, included and valued within our school community…and beyond.

Our Aims:

These are:

to have a clear focus on learning and teaching

to provide high quality teaching of core skills (e.g. literacy, numeracy- including problem solving)

to provide real contexts for learning, including outdoor learning, and link learning to support pupils’ understanding of the world around them

to develop the key personal qualities of resilience, perseverance and a positive attitude to learning (being ‘ready to learn’)

to encourage skills for life, learning and work

Our Values

  • Good Manners
  • Learning
  • Working Hard
  • Teamwork
  • Active
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Trust and Honesty
  • Kindness