Parent Council

Meeting Dates 2024-25

Our first Parent Council meeting of the session will take place on Monday 2nd September at 6:15pm in Lanark PS.

Meetings will take place as a combination of online and face-to-face, and meeting dates are as follows:

Monday 2nd September (6:15pm in the school)

Monday 7th October (7pm online)

Monday 4th November (6.15pm in the school)

Monday 13th January (7pm online)

Monday 24th February (6.15pm in the school)

Monday 25th March (7pm online)

AGM - Monday 19th May (6.15pm in the school)

The Parent Council are always looking for new parents/carers to join the Parent Council. If you would like more information on what the Parent Council do or would like to join you can get in touch through the Parent Council Facebook Page or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Meeting Minutes 2024-25

Minutes- 2nd September 2024

Minutes- 7th October 2024


Lucky Numbers

£10 for one Lucky Number for the year!

You can purchase as many Lucky Numbers as you wish and could win more than once in a year! Purchasing your Lucky Numbers provides funds to help the Parent Council support the pupils of the School and ELC.

Tickets can only be purchased through a bank transfer using sort code 80 17 02

and account number 00193752.

If a bank account name is required, please use Lanark Primary School PTA.

Please also complete an order form when transferring your money by clicking on this LINK.

Order your tickets by 6pm Friday 28th October!

Any queries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

School App

Download our app - Primary School App which is funded by the Parent Council. The app is linked to twitter and our website for news and dates. We will also send out important info via the app messaging service. Please allow push notifications to receive messages on your lock screen. Type PSA into the App Store!



Support in Times of Hardship

As you may already know, the Parent Council support the school in many ways. One of those ways is to provide a small discretionary fund which can be used to support the purchase of clothing, cost of trips or to help provide snacks in times of financial difficulty.

The school can also provide clothing & uniform if needed. Please contact me at the school if you would like to know more. As always, this would be in the strictest confidence.


Please click on the link below to access the Parent Council's Information leaflet:

Parent Council Information Leaflet - June 2019

Please click on the link below to access the Parent Council's Constitution:

Parent Council Constitution