
House Points Total
Braxfield (Red House)
Jerviswood Blue House)
Kildare (Green House)
Lockhart (Yellow House)


Lanark Primary School runs a House system.

This allows our children to work together across the school to be part of their House. We have four Houses, Braxfield, Jerviswood, Kildare and Lockhart. Throughout the year we have competitions and tournaments to gain House Points. Weekly House points are gained in the class and school, gathered and added together. At the end of each term the winning House will participate in a House Treat!




House Captains

Braxfield (Red House): Jessica & Eilidh

Jerviswood (Blue House): Harry & Lia

Kildare (Green House): Lily & Blake

Lockhart (Yellow House): Struan & Elliot


House Vice Captains

Braxfield (Red House): Arran

Jerviswood (Blue House): Lucy

Kildare (Green House): Beth

Lockhart (Yellow House): Kara

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House Mascots

Each house has a mascot. Meet Jerry Jerviswood, Barney Braxfield, Lucy Lockkart and Kaida Kildare!

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Winning Houses

August - October Term: 

October - December Term: 

January - April Term: 

April - June Term: