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Emotion Works Cog

Emotion Works is a resource used across the ELC and school to support emotional wellbeing in our learners and staff.

This month we would like to draw your attention to the Yellow Cog:

Learning and talking about the Yellow Cog helps us look at various triggers/causes for different emotions. Why do I feel like this? What happened to make me feel this way?

At school, at home, with teachers, with our family and friends, if we can better recognise the triggers for our emotions and therefore explore what influences them.

Nurture Principles

As part of our Health and Wellbeing work to further develop our attachment informed, trauma sensitive approaches to support learners, we have worked on linking the Nurture Principles, in child-friendly language, to our Wellbeing Indicators of the Month.

Our Nurture Principle for this month's theme of Active is:

The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing (Nurture helps us feel good in our body and our mind). We will continue to share these principles throughout the session to make them meaningful not only to our staff and learners, but to parents and carers too.

School Uniform

Please be reminded that children are expected to attend school in full school uniform. Plain black joggers/leggings, for example, are permitted for PE/Activity Days.

However, we discourage the wearing of 'fashion' wear with large logos on them. This ensures that no child or family feels pressure to buy expensive clothing items for school use. Leavers hoodies are permitted for P7s but other hoodies/ coloured zippies/fashionwear should be avoided.

Remember- we have a stock of high-quality uniform on offer on our 'Help Yourself' Clothing Stand. If you are finding it difficult to source/buy particular uniform, please contact the school for your uniform needs.

School uniform promotes a sense of school pride and community, keeps pupils safe and easily identifiable and can often encourage pupils to maintain a high standard of learning and behaviour in the classroom/playground.

Your support with this is very much appreciated!

Lanimer Court 2025

We are delighted to announce this year's Lanimer Court representatives from Lanark Primary School. Congratulations to:Chloe Gardiner (Lady in Waiting), Corra Neil (Lady in Waiting), Poppy Ross (Lady in Waiting), Torin Hare (Outrider), Noah Towers (Outrider), Oscar Dickson (Sceptre Bearer), Ellis Purdie (Proclamation Bearer) and Aaron Manchester (Sword Bearer).
We know that you will represent the school and all our values well and can't wait tocelebrate with you!
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School Handbook

A huge thank you to our P7 pupils who have designed individual front covers for our

School Handbook. The children were asked to illustrate something that ‘told the story’

of Lanark Primary School. They have produced some fabulous work.  Congratulations

to Olivia, Erin, Corra, Poppy, Jessica, Charlie and Hamish whose artwork will be

featured this year.

Our Vision & Aims

Our Vision:

At Lanark Primary School and ELC, learning is at the heart of all we do. We strive to provide rich learning experiences that build confidence and self-belief. We foster a ‘can do’ attitude which enables everyone to reach their full potential.

We work in strong partnership with our parents and the wider community to ensure that all feel safe, included and valued within our school community…and beyond.

Our Aims:

These are:

to have a clear focus on learning and teaching

to provide high quality teaching of core skills (e.g. literacy, numeracy- including problem solving)

to provide real contexts for learning, including outdoor learning, and link learning to support pupils’ understanding of the world around them

to develop the key personal qualities of resilience, perseverance and a positive attitude to learning (being ‘ready to learn’)

to encourage skills for life, learning and work

Our Values

  • Good Manners
  • Learning
  • Working Hard
  • Teamwork
  • Active
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Trust and Honesty
  • Kindness